Saturday, May 15, 2010

African love bird care and cage

The African Love Bird originate from South Africa and make a active and active pet bird. They are presented in a variety of colours and are playful and often boisterous birds. African Love Birds require an owner that is regularly energetic and is willing to provide the care and attention this energetic bird adores. Birds that do not receive this attention become prone to behavioral problems, including feather picking.

Aviary Information :
african love bird-----------------------
The best breeding results for African Love Birds are achieve when kept in a colony system. A group of five or six pairs require an aviary a minimum of three meters long and one meter wide. African Love birds can also be bred successfully using the nest box system, where cabinets no less than 80 x 50 x 50 cm are recommended. You can also use the mud pots for making their nest, Hens build a substantial nest and will gather twigs and other nest building materials from their surrounds. You need to provide them some grass and coconut leaves to make their nest.because they are in the cage.